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Vistamar’s academic programs aim to do more than impart facts and figures. Each program was designed to prepare our students to thrive in a globalized society. Together, our programs make up a curriculum that develops in each student:

Global consciousness, evidenced by communicative proficiency in a second language, awareness of the geographical and historical contexts of world affairs, an appreciation of different cultures, and a sense of stewardship for the natural environment.

Click below to see our full curriculum pages


Strong communication skills, characterized by respectful listening, clear expression, and thoughtful consideration of various points of view.


Habits of mind required to be a reflective practitioner in any field: observing, questioning, reflecting, making connections between ideas, seeking the bigger picture, self-awareness as a learner, and honest self-assessment.

Experience in the arts as a doer and maker, as well as an observer, contributing to imagination, aesthetic sense, and creative expressiveness

Integrity and moral courage as an autonomous individual, supported by health and balance in one’s personal life.

Curriculum Guide 2025-2026


Cultural competence, evidenced by genuine interest in the experience of others, an understanding of the interplay between individuality and cultural identity, active valuing of diversity as an asset, and the skills that enable one to cross cultural boundaries.



Mathematical and scientific literacy adequate to the demands of responsible citizenship in a complex, technical society.


Intellectual skills required to be an effective knowledge manager in any field: flexible mastery of research strategies, a command of multiple frames of reference, and the ability to impose organizational structures on complex data.


Qualities of citizenship, marked by engagement in community affairs, participation in collective decision making, and commitment to mutually beneficial interactions with others.